Quest:Book 8, Chapter 3: A Waiting Silence

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Book 8, Chapter 3: A Waiting Silence
Level 105
Type Solo
Starts with Aragorn
Starts at Camp of the Host
Start Region The Wastes
Map Ref [40.8S, 10.3W]
Ends with Aragorn
Ends at The Slag-hills
End Region The Wastes
Map Ref [34.6S, 4.2W]
Quest Chain Vol. IV. Book 8
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'I will give the order for the Host of the West to begin its final march, <name>, but I need you to go forward in the vanguard, leading the way and making safe our passage. The foes arrayed against us have been commanded to let us pass, but I would not be surprised if the more ambitious among their number think to increase their own fame or notoriety by slowing our progress.

'Defeat these foes and any other beasts that threaten, and look for Langlas in the ruin of Haerondir, north-east of here. He will know where else to scout in advance of the Host.

'Once you have aided Langlas, rejoin us north of the Black Gate and we will prepare for the final throw.'


One last march across the Wastes will bring the Host of the West to the Black Gate of Mordor, and Aragorn sends you ahead to make safe the passage.

Objective 1

Aragorn asked you to defeat a number of threatening foes in the Noman-lands.

Pippin: 'Good luck, <name>! Good luck to all of us!'
Defeated foes in the Noman-lands (6/6)

Objective 2

After you defeated threatening foes in the Noman-lands, Aragorn wanted you to meet up with Langlas in the ruin of Haerondir, north-east of the Camp of the Host.

Sickly light plays over the stones of Haerondir, and the air smells foul
Langlas: 'This is a dead place, and empty place. I do not like it. There will be many places such as these as we get nearer to Mordor, <name>. How could anyone live here?
'The answer to that question is a simple one, I suppose: no one does live here, not truly. Not good folk, at any rate.
'I have heard tell from the Rangers of Ithilien that there are a few sites throughout the Wastes in which evil folk dwell. These places should be scouted before the Host passes near. Find Dûm Boha in the Noman-lands, and Dol Acharn and Ondoher's Folly in Dagorlad, and defeat any enemies that may endanger the passage of the Host. Once the way is safe, the Host of the West will assemble outside the Black Gate and well will see what awaits us there.'

Objective 3

  • Find Dûm Boha in the Noman-lands east of Haerondir
  • Find the road to Dol Acharn in Dagorlad, north-east of Haerondir
  • Find Ondoher's Folly in Dagorlad, north of Haerondir
  • Defeat foes in the Noman-lands and Dagorlad (0/14)

Langlas asked you to find locations in the Wastes where enemies might threaten the Host of the West, and to defeat any foes you find. The sites of concern to him are:

Dûm Boha, east of Haerondir, in the Noman-lands.
Dol Acharn, north-east of Haerondir, on the field of Dagorlad
Ondoher's Folly, north of Haerondir, on the field of Dagorlad

After you have accomplished these tasks, Langlas asked you to meet with Aragorn before the Black Gate.

Haradrim warriors are encamped in Dûm Boha, and they prepare for combat
Dol Acharn once towered above the plain, but now only the base remains
Ondoher's Folly reeks still of blood and death, even after all these years
Defeated foes in the Noman-lands and Dagorlad (14/14)

Objective 4

Aragorn and the Host of the West planned to meet you at the base of the Slag Hills outside the Black Gate once you scouted the Wastes.

Aragorn sees you approach and beckons to you

Objective 5

  • Talk to Aragorn at the base of the slag-hill outside the Black Gate

Aragorn and the Host of the West planned to meet you at the base of the Slag-hills outside the Black Gate once you scouted the Wastes.

Aragorn: 'We have come to it at last, <name>. Climb to the top of the slag-hill and look to the south. What waits for us at the Black Gate of Mordor?'

Objective 6

  • Climb atop the slag-hill and look south to the Black Gate

Aragorn asked you to climb to the top of the slag-hill and look south to the Black Gate of Mordor.

The field before the Black Gate of Mordor is empty, and quiet

Objective 7

  • Talk to Aragorn at the base of the slag-hill outside the Black Gate

Aragorn is at the base of the slag-hill before the Black Gate.

Aragorn: 'What did you see from atop the slag-hill?'
Aragorn listens to your account.
'All was quiet and still? I see, and I am not surprised. Sauron is waiting. I do not take the empty calm before the Gate to be fact, and neither should you. The Dark Lord's armies are arrayed before us, though we see them not. He waits to unleash them, for he wants to see what we will do.'